Day 21 – A picture can speak a thousand words


For starters, I did not take this photo.  Instead, my son did and for a few years now, he has been exploring photography.  He enjoys experimenting with conceptual photography and I have taught him the basics behind photography and Photoshop.

Recently my son took this photo of himself and posted it on FaceBook and yes I am one of his friends and yes I knew about this photo before he even uploaded it to FB. He even asked me to help him edit it! Well a week after he posted this photo, he was called to the office and the school psychologist asked him several questions about this photo and if there are any issues in the home they should be aware of and then proceeded to tell him that he needed to remove this photo from FB immediately. So my problem is that 1) the school psychologist decided to question my son without my permission or knowledge of this meeting about a photo that was taken off school grounds and in my home. I wasn’t even made aware of this meeting until my daughter asked what my thoughts were about this meeting and I was like…”what meeting?”. See, I understand their logic/concerns, especially if one doesn’t understand expressive photography then this image might cause some concerns but what I don’t understand is why I wasn’t contacted and informed of their concerns before they started questioning my son? Maybe I could have given the school some insight about this image.  So that was my first issue, my 2nd was how can the school demand my son to remove an image off his FB page? A page that is set on private and an image that expresses his creativity.  I support my son 100% behind his creativity as long as he is not harming others or am I just being irrational and bias because this is my son and I understand his creativity?