Day 43 – Self Portrait


So, I am attempting to keep up the momentum up with my own daily photo challenge and for the past 2 weeks, it has been a challenge.  Not that I haven’t taken a photo a day but taking the time at the end of the day to post the photo.  So over the next few days I will continue to update and add some of those missing pieces.

This photo was taken yesterday, and it symbolizes my mind and body at ease.  This is something that doesn’t happen too often, my mind usually races with to-do, children, love, fears, still images, life, memories, future, food and so forth but every now and then my mind will pause and so will my body. Usually when this happens my creativity will expand, if my mind is cluttered than my creativity is usually suffocated or dark, but yesterday was a good day.  There were several images that I captured and I was indecisive which one to post, so I asked my bf to help me decide and he selected this one so this image was the chosen one 🙂